SYT at the ticket counter...

Ah Ma with a macaroni penguin, even the penguin cannot tahan with her 'yim chimness' in taking photos...

Even the penguins were enjoying the sun on that day...

The main transport in the zoo that brought us to the hilltop...

SYT insisted I took a photo of her with ang mo children, according to her, this showed that she was in an ang mo zoo, me dunno what's the point =.="

We were pretty excited when v discovered that the zoo boasts the only koalas in UK. However, there was only ONE koala and it was sleeping when we were there...-.-""
Not a very clear shot of the polar bear, it was not white in color and it was pretty lazy. Her name's Mercedes and her husband, Barney died last year...
Penguins taking a stroll outside of their enclosure...

Looking at the penguins remind me of ourselves. How v always leave XV behind and being inconsiderate and thoughtless. XV pls forgive us...=)
Them again posing wif the camels...
There were over 51 species of animals and the grounds of the zoo were extremely huge. Plenty to see and do but we left the zoo at 4pm and decided to go to the city centre to visit...
The Elephant House cafe. We were looking for this cafe until v got lost. After much 'arguing' as to who will ask a passer-by for the location, Ah Ma decided to do it. Actually, v forced her to ask cos she always 'direct' us to do things...anyway, this cafe was the place where Harry Potter was born. Went inside, pretty cosy. SYT wanted to dine there, mana tau the waiter behind the counter told us they were closing in 10 minutes.....
In the end, v had our dinner @ Bella Italia. SYT wif her pasta.
After a tiring day with aching feet and sore back, v decided to head back to Glasgow. Shown above in the photo is two happy children with contented smiles on their faces...
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